Funky Yet Formal Disco Wedding

Rosy & Shaun

July 9, 2024

Sarah and Jared’s wedding, held amidst a backdrop of bold colours and circus performances, was one hell of a celebration. The bride, a true child of the 80s, drew inspiration from the aesthetics of Miami Vice and Lisa Frank.

“I knew we wanted big bold colours and more is more,” she explained. “Our colour palette was inspired by the 80s. Vibrant florals, iridescent elements in signage and table settings, and a disco streamer ceiling installation above the dance floor.”

What set Sarah and Jared’s wedding apart was their focus on guest experience. As a former wedding bartender, Sarah was determined to keep the energy high and the activities and entertainment flowing. “It was important to me to keep a flow of activities so there would never be a dull moment and eliminate any antiquated traditions that could stifle the energy,” she said. The evening began with cocktail hour and hors d’oeuvres and a circular ceremony set united their guests as one collective group.

The ceremony itself was simple and the couple arrived together. “We walked down the aisle together hand in hand to an acoustic version of Justin Bieber’s Intentions,” Sarah said. ” As an overly anxious couple, it was paramount that our vows were done in private so we could have a special moment alone. At the wedding ceremony we wanted to keep it short and sweet. A family friend of both my parents was our officiant. This was extra special for me, since my mum passed away from cancer shortly before Jared and I met.”

Entertainment was a key element throughout the event. Guests were treated to circus performances and plenty of photo ops, all while enjoying a delectable plated dinner. The highlight of the evening was a surprise performance by Chinese Lion Dancers, a secret Sarah had kept even from Jared.

Planning such a detailed wedding came with its challenges, and Sarah says the best money they spent was on their wedding planner. “I have a hard time making decisions. It is easy to see something new on TikTok or IG and want to throw it all out and start over. Megan constantly reassured me to stick to my vision and stay focused on keeping everything cohesive. Megan was a cheerleader, financial analyst, therapist and more to me and I absolutely would never have pulled it off without her guidance.”

Of their $50,000 budget, their biggest single cost was the florist, but it was a choice Sarah never regretted. “She was totally worth it”, she said. “We did not do any DIY and it was one of my favourite things that I didn’t have to make a thing! I outsourced everything.”

Reflecting on their special day, Sarah had only one small regret. “I would have had an outdoor dance floor. It was the perfect night for it but Michigan weather is unpredictable. C’est la vie!”

“Something else we’re really pleased we spent money on was weekly dance lessons”, she concluded. “They kept us in tune as a couple and gave us a chance to slow down and have some fun. It was exciting to get to see a different side of each other after so many years and see our progress while working towards a shared goal.”
