Launa and Josh wanted an October wedding in Las Vegas with alternative details that referenced their favourite games, movies and TV shows. The bride chose a red sequin 50s inspired dress from FairyGothMother with matching Converse and carried a paper flower bouquet made by Paper Bouquets from Harry Potter pages to represent her, comic pages to represent Josh and Magic the Gathering cards to represent them together.
“We wanted a blend of vintage meets classic Vegas for our wedding and to add our own nerdy touches”, Launa said. “I had four bridesmaids all in a colour from each Hogwarts house, we had a reading of Joey’s speech from Monica and Chandler’s wedding and a poem about aliens called The Day the Saucers Came by Neil Gaiman. Our vows were the vows from the Corpse Bride with a Game of Thrones reference thrown in at the end and we did a candle lighting of a Jack and Sally candle from Nightmare Before Christmas.”
They got married at the Neon Museum where the bride walked down the ‘aisle’ to Everybody Loves Somebody by Dean Martin. “My dad gave me away and we had 15 friends and family join us. I have really high anxiety and wanted to meet Josh before the ceremony but it was the only traditional thing he wanted to stick to so we agreed we would give each other cards to read instead. All morning I was having panic attacks and stressing about the day until I got my card from Josh and I immediately calmed down.”
“Do what you want to do and not what anyone else expects of you”, she advices in conclusion, “I’d also definitely recommend a destination wedding as weddings can be so expensive. For the money we spent we got a three week trip full of memories and not just one day.”
- Photography: Becky Ryan Photography
- Officiant: Elegant Vegas Weddings
- Ceremony Venue: The Neon Museum, Vegas
- Reception Venue : Hard Rock Cafe, Vegas
- Bride's Dress: FiaryGothMother
- Bride's Shoes: Converse
- Bride's Bag: Aldo
- Bride's Bouquet: Paper Bouquets
- Hair &n Make-Up: Andie P Artistry
- Groom's Suit: Ted Baker
- Bridesmaid Dresses: Lindy Bop
- Bridesmaid Dresses: Dolly and Dotty