A Skeleton’s (Not So) Bridal Shoot

Jenna Bryant Photography

October 28, 2017

Halloween is just around the corner so I couldn’t resist sharing this seriously spooky, actually quite scary, Halloween inspired skeleton shoot. It’s not massively bridal but I think that’s why I love it! Halloween weddings aren’t about conforming to tradition are they!?

The shoot took place on a dry lake bed in Nevada, and real coupleĀ Jackie and Pablo acted as the models. “I knew I wanted to do a shoot for Halloween but I also wanted it to be about love”, said photographer Jenna. “I came up with the idea of skeletons to portray a love that is more than skin deep, a love that’s embedded in your bones.”

“I chose the dry lake bed because I felt it represented the skeletons in a way. They both are remains of something that used to be. I hope this shoot inspires Rock n Roll Brides and grooms to have a love that runs deep and lasts long after they are gone.”

Happy Halloween everyone and if you’re having your own spooky themed wedding this week, be sure to sendĀ us your pictures!
