If you’ve been following this blog for a while you probably won’t have failed to notice that I have a not-so-secret obsession with a particular city… Las Vegas! I’ve been three times before and next week I’m off for my forth adventure with Gala and Shauna. Its nice to have friends who are just as in love with a place as you are!
Not everybody ‘gets’ Vegas, but to me nothing beats being in a place where wearing false eyelashes and sequins at 9am is totally normal, you can lie by a pool all day, party all night and shop with a margarita in your hand.
It’s not all playtime though, we’re actually getting together to start work on a brand new project. So many of you have asked us if we have anything else in the pipeline since we’ve stopped doing the in-person Blogcademy classes, and the answer is YES! It’s nothing to do with blogging or business though – its completely new – and something I think a lot of you will be pretty darn excited about. I’m just busting to get started with it!
I’m going to be out of the country for the next week week and as always you can follow along with my adventures on Instagram and Snapchat. I’m not going to lie, I’m also pretty excited to find out what kind of Pokemon I can catch over there too. Yes, I’m just as obsessed with Pokemon Go as the rest of the world it would seem.
See you soon Sin City!
- Photography: Made U Look Photography