There is nothing more certain in (wedding) life than the fact that photo booths make the party go off! Even the most camera shy people will be in there, rocking some silly props and laughing their arses off all night long. Trust me!
The Photo Booth Guys are purveyors of one of the best photo booths in the business. I’m quite the connoisseur don’t you know and their booths tick all of my very important boxes. The camera and lighting is flattering, its quick and easy to use, and doesn’t take up too much space. They even offer this amazing techy thing called InstaPrinta where you can use the booth to print out your Instagrams. We actually used this for one of our Blogcademy workshops in Melbourne last year and believe me, it was a HUGE hit. If you’re having a wedding hashtag then you need this!
(haha #sorrynotsorry)
They say, “We are The Photo Booth Guys and we create amazing photo experiences for our clients with our beautiful, open-style retro photo booths (handmade from the finest materials and timbers). Unlike enclosed photo booths, ours let everyone in on the fun and are also downright stylish to boot. Guests pile in and pull their best poses, inspiring each other with increasingly crazy shenanigans!”
“From creating the gorgeous photo strips to hand-selecting the best props and sourcing fun backdrops, we love what we do and we care about the details. Our photo booth hire is done different: socially engaging, highly customisable, totally awesome.”
“Our current products include our open photo booths, InstaPrinta (live Instagram printing), a GIF booth (uses your photos to create a short looping video) Roamr (roaming social photographers) and Morph Booth (morphs your face with someone else’s)!”
They are truly an international operation too with booths available for hire in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Australia. Price start from £495 + VAT. For more information or to get in touch be sure to check out their website and drop them an email on or call 0333 577 5072.
Exclusive reader offer!
To celebrate their recent launch in Birmingham, The Photo Booth Guys would like to offer all Rock n Roll Bride readers a free InstaPrinta or GIF booth with any photo booth hire!!
To qualify, simply tell them you found them via Rock n Roll Bride when you enquire. Offer valid for enquiries made before March 31st 2016.
Happy photo booth hogging!