The time has come; the brand new issue of Rock n Roll Bride magazine is now on sale! If you were smart enough to pre-order or subscribe, a shiny pink envelope may have already dropped on your doormat (and if not it’ll be with you really soon, pinky swear!) However if you fancied doing things the old fashioned way, now is the time to run to your nearest WHSmith, Sainbury’s or local newsagents!
So what will you find inside the brand new issue?
Well, it just wouldn’t be Rock n Roll Bride without real weddings galore, and the Nov/Dec edition has 11 of them spread over 100 glorious pages. Plus, from this issue onwards all the weddings featured inside are going to be completely exclusive to the mag. This means you won’t have seen them on the blog before. Yay! Even more real wedding goodness to sink your teeth into!
Issue five has a wedding with a drag queen officiant, one with a rain-soaked ceremony and another with a puppy ring bearer. Just you try and tell me you’re not desperate to see more after hearing that!! Here’s the sneakiest of peeks of some of the spreads…
My babe Lisa Devlin has penned an article packed full of fantastic advice for your photography if you’re having a winter wedding, and my own mum has written an article too about why mothers of the bride are often misunderstood. I might be biased but it’s really, really good! And, of course, we can’t forget the DIY, beauty and fashion features too. Yep, as ever, the magazine is just PACKED with wedding goodness.
There are also oodles of beautifully designed pages just begging to be Instagrammed, including the brand new “Wedding Planning Rules for Rock n Roll brides” page conceived by the fabulously funny Veronica Dearly! Remember, if you do share any snaps on social media, be sure to tag them with #rocknrollbridemagazine so I can see them, and if you post a selfie with your copy you may just see yourself featured inside the next issue too!
I wish I could share every single page in this post, but you’ll just have to go out and buy it yourself to see all the pretty, won’t you?
The magazine costs £4.99 and it’s available to purchase at larger WHSmiths, and selected Sainsbury’s and independent newsagents all over the UK. For those of you who are not in the UK or if you prefer to buy a copy and have it delivered directly to your door, just visit our online shop and order one directly from us. We ship worldwide and postage within the UK is free!
Happy reading, friends!