Take the leap and the net will appear” is a phrase that’s been going around and around my head over the past few weeks. If I’m being honest, it’s been quite the roller coaster but I am so stupendously excited to finally be able to share what’s been occupying my mind 24/7!
We’re having a baby… haha only kidding, sorry! But we are having a ROCK N ROLL BRIDE BABY because we are becoming our own magazine publishing company!! The response to the first three issues of Rock n Roll Bride magazine has been phenomenal. We’ve been sold-out, and out-sold much more established bridal titles – I was blown away when we were told our little magazine was the fastest selling new publication the distributors have ever worked with. Rare copies of issue 1 have already been selling for over three times the cover price on places like eBay – and there’s even a dedicated hashtag in our Facebook group to help brides track down the remaining copies in the wild! Like I say, it’s phenomenal.
Those first three issues were produced under the invaluable guidance of the guys and girls at Giraffe Media. While working with them we learnt what it takes to consistently produce a top quality magazine and get it to market. We’re grateful for their stewardship, but from issue 4 we will be bringing all the production back under the Rock n Roll Bride umbrella. In other words, we’re doing the whole thing ourselves!
My babe Shauna of Branch is back on board doing all the design (yesssss!!) and Gareth is behind the scenes, dealing with print, distribution, legal and other fun ‘business stuff’. I’m obviously still doing all the editorial, and for now at least, dealing with the ad sales too.
So what does this mean for you? Well, the slightly bad news is that all this means there will be a delay on the next issue while we’re re-signing contracts and getting things organised at Rock n Roll Bride HQ. Issue 4 is now confirmed to hit the UK newsstands on Thursday September 3rd. I wish we could have made this transition more seamless for you guys, but I’m a firm believer that anything worth doing is worth doing properly.
However, you can pre-order the next issue RIGHT NOW! It costs just £4.99 and shipping to the UK is now FREE, holla!!
If you have an outstanding subscription via Giraffe Media, don’t worry – we’ll be in touch with you really soon. But feel free to send an email to magazine@rocknrollbride.com with your subscription details and we’ll make sure you’re on our list!
Bringing all the production back in-house means the content will always be truly reflective of the Rock n Roll Bride ethos. We’re keeping the high-quality finish and our number one priority will still be to produce the same high page count of original content that you’re used to. We’ll have the last word on the advertisers and featured companies that I really believe in, and know my readers will want to book for their weddings. So that means no pre-wedding diet bullshit, no fat-shaming, and no pressure to conform – guaranteed!
Thank you for your continued love, passion and support for this magazine. It’s only going to get more amazing because of this change (and my life a hundred times busier, obviously).
Now, roll the outro-theme…