Last Friday was officially the first day of Spring so I can think of no more perfect time to have a little digital spring clean. That’s exactly what we are doing at The Blogcademy. We are currently working on a whole host of brand new digital and live course offerings (so exciting, just you wait!), and so the time has come to clear the decks to make space for them.
As of this coming Sunday (29th March) The Blogcademy Home School – our short, sharp, pick n mix video lessons – are going the way of the dodo. So today we are saying goodbye with a bang and offering them at half price!
Spring is the ideal time to start improving your blog or business. The days are getting longer, the weather is feeling warmer, and I feel all together more empowered and fired up to do fun new things with my business! Don’t you?
We have modules on media kits, creating an about page, doing a blog brand audit, how brands can work with bloggers, how bloggers can work with brands, PR and marketing, making money through advertising, creating killer content, Pinterest for bloggers, dealing with negativity, still life 101, how to set your rates and building your audience.
And don’t worry, even though the videos will not available to buy after Sunday, you will still be able to watch and re-watch them via your own private login after that date.
Just use the code springfling at the checkout (this deal is not retroactive) to get the individual modules at a teeny tiny $10 each.
Remember, after Sunday March 29th The Blogcademy Home School will disappear FOREVER so it’s now or never!