If flower’s aren’t your thing, there are still oodles of alternative options for your bouquet or centrepieces. I hope these ideas will get those cogs whirring and help you come up with something fun and unique for your own wedding.
First, think about what your interests are. Maybe it’s books…
Or you’d prefer a mishmash of everything you like!
Maybe you’re really into skulls…
Or taxidermy…
Or robots!
There are plenty of ways to bring aspects of life into your centrepieces without traditional cut flowers. How about logs, billy balls and succulents?
This cute terrarium is such a fun idea!
Or what about dried flowers?
I love the idea of potted herbs
Or plants – you could give them out as gifts afterwards too!
Fruit or veg is another unique option
Whatever you choose it should definitely fit in with your theme
Whether that be Alice in Wonderland…
Dinosaurs (you can get dino planters on etsy by the way!)
Or the beach.
Vintage crockery and cakes would be perfect for a Mad Hatter’s tea party
And globes would work perfectly with a travel theme.
This is the ideal oppotunity to get a little bit crafty
And create something really individual.
Even the simplest of ideas can end up looking totally amazing
Like balloons for every table!
Something dramatic will certainly be a talking point amongst your guests
But even the smallest of personal touches can be really effective.
I mean, who wouldn’t love to see weird kitschy tea pots on their table?!
Or painstakingly handcrafted paper flowers?
You could even make them out of maps to suit an international theme
Or just go all out and name each table after the places you’ve visited and loved.
But whatever you choose, and as long as it’s personal to you, it’s sure to make an impact!