The Green Room has been a big part of Rock n Roll Bride for the past couple of years. During 2014 I wrote more of this kind of content than ever and I’ve really enjoyed sharing my journey and musing about running your own small business.
I’m not exactly sure what 2015 will bring for this area of my site though. If I’m being totally honest, I’m feeling quite extremely overwhelmed with the pressure of everything I have on next year. Writing the wedding blog, being the editor of a bi-monthly print magazine, hosting and organising The Blogcademy in-person and full online courses (the latter of which is launching January 29th!!) I kind of feel like something might have to give… and that something might just be the Green Room.
I know so many of my wedding industry readers love it, but I’m only one little person! It won’t disappear completely, but it’s not going to be my main editorial focus going into the new year. I’ve got me a magazine to produce!
But it’s not all bad news! Here are twelve of the most popular business articles from the last 365.
How to email like a pro (or How to get a reply from a busy person)
It’s a blog eat blog out there: best practices for blogging success