I’m not one of those people who expertly and meticulously wraps all their Christmas presents. I don’t have the patience and I’m too ham-fisted. So what I need is easy ways to do it. Ways that will make it look like I’ve made an effort, even if it took me three minutes flat.
Behold, ten stupidly easy wrapping ideas that not only look awesome but are so simple even I could recreate them.
If you blind them with neon, they won’t notice if you’ve done a crappy job
Source: NeonLdn
This is totally my style. Just cut to the chase already!
Source: Plate and Pencil
Wrap the whole galaxy around the gifts
Source: Norman’s Printery
Or maybe some maps
Source: Norman’s Printery
This one might take some more time, but it looks pretty (and pretty easy to do)
Source: Design LoveFest
Animals win everytime
Source: Clap Clap Design
As does glitter!
Source: The Supplies Diva
Scribble your own with this chalkboard paper
Source: Soiree Supply
This pretty watercolour paper will make it look like you’ve made a real effort
Source: Lauren Draws Pctures
And this wordsearch is sure to entertain them!
Source: Save it for a Rainy Day