No one can deny that social networking has changed the way we interact. More and more of us now speak to one another through a computer better, and much more often, than we do face to face. We’re more likely to set up a Facebook event for our party than actually call our friends and invite them; we’d probably all send someone a birthday tweet quicker than posting them an actual card; liking someone’s Instagram is easy, but telling them to their face that you loved something they did? Oh no, that’s kinda awkward, and really, who’s got the time?
It’s pretty sad really, which is why my interest was piqued when the designers of Couple got in touch. Yes, it’s a social networking, but not as you know it. Based on personal connections, this app is made for communicating only with your favourite person.
If you’re the kind of couple that likes to keep things private, then you’re going to love this. It is the perfect antithesis to the social media over-share. The focus is not how many followers you have, or how many likes your latest hilarious update got. It’s about those quality interactions between you and the one you love the most. It’s also, quite frankly, a genius tool that will definitely help you to plan your wedding. And the best part is that it’s 100% free!
The app includes private messaging; photo, video and audio sharing; shared to-do lists and a secret calendar where you can input all those important dates or appointments. You can set reminders (that you’ll both be notified of), make calls and send each other cute stickers and sketches. If you want to be close, even when apart, then you’re going to love the ThumbKiss™ feature. You touch the same spot on your phones and they’ll both vibrate simultaneously like you’re kissing from afar… aww!
Yes, the latter may be slightly (OK a lot) gimmicky and I’m sure the novelty will wear off after a while (could this be the modern day equivalent of a Facebook poke?), but don’t let that take away from all the other awesome features of this app. I know they’ll really help you when planning your wedding.
Need to make sure that the meeting with your photographer is on your partner’s calendar? Want his opinion on centrepieces? Want to send her a video message saying how much you love her? Couple has them all – and so much more – covered. Most of all though, it’s actually really fun!
Simply head to their website to download the app.