It’s official, The Blogcademy is a whirlwind. A giant, turquoise, glitter infused whirlwind! I am so pumped today because I have some news that I’ve been struggling to keep in for weeks. I’m glad I finally get to let rip and share it with you today!
So the big news is that our London class this year has already sold out… and it’s not until July! Insane. So, we’ve decided to add a second date, the weekend before, on July 19th and 20th. Again, it’ll be taking place at the beautiful Curtain Road Studios (I know we shouldn’t have favourites but…) Just click here to register.
After many cries from our Facebook page for another East Coast date, we’ve also added Washington DC to the mix. We’ll be there on October 4th and 5th. None of us have ever been to the city before so we’re super excited to explore! Again, you can register here.
And finally, because it seems like FOREVER until we’re teaching next, we’ve decided to do a FREE live broadcast from Palm Springs on Sunday 9th February at 11am PST/ 2pm EST/ 7pm GMT!
The three of us are there having a much-needed sunshine injection and so it’s most likely that we’ll be lying by our pool and sipping something fizzy, but the main reason for the livestream is to answer all your burning blogging and business questions. You can either submit them beforehand by emailing us, or simply ask them live as we go along. Sign up here to join us.
We can’t wait!