So usually I open these Business Bites posts with some kind of work-related lesson that I’ve uncovered over the past seven days… but when you’re having so much fun exploring the Queensland coast there’s no time for nonsense like that!
After our surf lesson at Surfer’s Paradise we checked into our hotel for the night, QT Gold Coast. I’ll be doing a much longer post on this hotel chain at a later date because it was so damn amazing and you all need to know way more about it than I could fit into this short intro. After a blissful night’s sleep we hopped on a plane to Cairns and took the hour drive to our epic ‘blogger mansion’ (as we’ve dubbed it!) and from my Instagrams alone I’m sure you can tell that it’s pretty damn ridiculous.
And then it was time for pièce de résistance – snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef! Gala and Shauna have been feeling a little poorly this week so they stayed back at the house, but our photographer Janneke and I weren’t gonna let that stop us. Finally, yesterday we went jungle surfing in the rainforest where we were zip-lined through the trees and we all even went upside-down!
PHEW! This week has been nothing short of incredible and I can’t thank Tourism Queensland enough for spoiling us much more than we’d ever deserve!
Our first Blogcademy class is taking place in Brisbane this weekend so it’s back to the daily grind… although when you’re in Australia talking about your favourite subject it’s really not that much of a drag at all…
Finally, here are some of the business related articles that I’ve had time to read and enjoy in between all the madness!
♥ Don’t have the budget for a custom designed blog? Here are seven sites that offer blog templates
♥ The 14 types of Facebook likes (made me giggle!)
♥ Why you should quit your job
“Explore services you can offer other companies. Be creative. Write down 10 ideas per day of things you can do to generate more income. This helps exercise an atrophied idea muscle.
This is not corny self-help. This is what I did when I was neck-deep in debt and struggling at a job. Eventually, I had a good idea. Eventually, I had two good ideas. And finally, I was able to make the jump.”
♥ One activity you should do on your blog every day
♥ Three ways to brand your blog images
♥ How text drives more website traffic that videos
♥ Does life end at 35?
- Photography: Janneke Storm