Late one night this week, as I was battling the jet lag and working way past 3am, I was simultaneously having an email conversation with Paul Jarvis: web designer, writer and all round awesome dude, If you haven’t obsessed over Paul’s work yet by the way, where have you been?
Anyway he sent me a copy of his latest book, Everything I Know, and while flipping through it I was met with an uneasy feeling of dread. It wasn’t dread knowing I had to read it (I promise!) it was an impending feeling that I’m not sure if I’ll ever match up. I haven’t said this publicly anywhere before but next year my grand plan is to write and publish a business book. ARGH.
I’ve been procrastinating on the whole thing for months because I’m shit scared. Scared that it’ll be rubbish, scared that people will point and say things like “What the hell does she know” and scared that I’ll tell you all about it and then never actually get it done.
Paul replied with possibly the best piece of advice I’d received all year, “Get over it and get it written” he said. And so that’s what I’m going to do.
So let’s all be honest with each other today. It is seriously scary to share your plans in public, especially if you’re not really sure if you have the ability to follow through, but let’s be brave and do it together. If I can share then you certainly can do. So tell me, what have you been procrastinating over recently? What do you need to get over and just get done?
And here are some of the business articles I’ve read and enjoyed while procrastinating this week.
♥ 30 tips for content that gets read, talked about and shared and parties
♥ 5 rules worth remembering when dealing with haters
♥ 5 reasons why blogging isn’t working for your business
♥ Don’t sell people
“People don’t care about your product. Your “service offering.” Your promotions. Your stupid launch. Those things are about you. So how do you sell yourself if you can’t make it about you? And the answer is this: IT ISN’T ABOUT SELLING PEOPLE. IT’S ABOUT SEEING THEM.”
♥ What should an entrepreneur do when all else fails?
♥ 4 things really productive people do everyday
♥ The real secret for setting your prices
This weekend, I challenge you to crack on with that big project that you’ve been putting off. I’m going to too, promise.
- Photography: Lakshal Perera