I used to make so many excuses for not travelling. “Oh I like being at home”, “I’ve just got too much work to do” and “I hate airports” were my favourite justifications. And then The Blogcademy came crashing into my life avoiding travelling just was not an option!
Now, I literally can’t get enough. I love love love experiencing new places and meeting new people. I’m even starting to weirdly enjoy airports.
But let’s not forget that when you run your own business it’s much harder to take off and leave it all behind. If there is no-one else that can do what you do, or can hold the fort while you’re away just how do you physically tear yourself back from your desk without worrying that your livelihood is going to come crashing down in your absence?
Well, in preparation for this latest jaunt I’ve learnt three very valuable lessons.
1) There’s no way around it, you need to work your butt off to get as much done before you go as possible. For me that’s meant long days and even longer nights writing and scheduling blog content and letting people know that I’m going to be harder to get in touch with for a few weeks.
2) You have to realise – and be OK with the fact – that when you run your own business you really can’t ever take a proper and complete break. I’ve bought myself a new laptop and I fully intend to keep up to date with as much work as possible while I’m down under (coming back to 1000 emails sucks balls. Believe me, I’ve done it).
3) Ask for help. I’ve enlisted some amazing guest contributors to send me a couple of articles for the blog which have massively taken the pressure off having to produce so much advance content myself.
If you haven’t travelled for a while I can’t encourage you enough to just do it. It’s now one of my favourite things to do and I can’t believe I put it off for so long! As long as you’re willing to put the effort into to being prepared in advance, it really doesn’t have to be that stressful.
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♥ A women’s tactical advantage to entrepreneurship
♥ Simple SEO keyword research tips
♥ Who are these bloggers? Loving Holly’s response to Martha Stewart’s comments
♥ The number one branding mistake (there are a lot of wedding bloggers who fall into this trap!)
“The biggest branding mistake companies and organizations make is using an acronym or abbreviation for their company name. Acronyms can be convenient for internal use in your office, but they should never be used in public communications, including social media.”
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♥ Five tips for managing multiple businesses
♥ How Google Hummingbird impacts your business and customer acquisition
Have a killer weekend guys!