Photography: Amelia
Considering I don’t have a sweet tooth at all, I sure do pin a lot of pretty sweet treats… hum, I wonder what that says about my psyche? I hope you’ve all had a brilliant and productive week. I’m really looking forward to this weekend because I’m going out – not once but twice! Sheesh, what a party animal. Now excuse me I better go and grab a quick disco nap before the chaos commences. I’ll see you on the other side!
♥ How to make your website credible
♥ My to do list is a little wolf spider
♥ Is community college the right choice for you?
♥ Strategic plan: doing things
“The day when artists could build platforms for themselves simply by being on social media has turned into myth. And the glut of “social media experts” and “content experts” who offer proven strategies for building a tribe is growing tired.
So how do you build a base for your work? Kevin Kelley once proclaimed the principle of “1,000 true fans,” where he stated that only 1,000 customers were needed to build a sustainable career. In this new “maker society” where your livelihood comes from your followership, how do you stand out in the long tail?”
♥ Three real truths about overnight success
♥ Five tips to email big names
♥ What advertisers want: 6 step to attracting advertisers to your blog
♥ 9 easy to steal habits of the super successful
Whatever you’re up to, I hope you have a fabulous weekend.