Photography: Kitchen Konfidence
My feet have not touched the ground since I got home on Wednesday night… I literally feel like an old machine cranking back up to full speed… I’ll get there but it might take me a few days! I’m not going to lie though, I’m feeling quite overwhelmed and a little stressed out about everything I have on right now, but it’s all good, I’m just taking each day hour at a time! Sheesh maybe I need to write a blog post titled ‘How to get shit done in no time at all…’
♥ 5 ways to prepare your blog for affiliate selling
♥ 7 mistakes every photographer makes
♥ Thinking about money
“Many marketers work overtime to confuse us about money. They take advantage of our misunderstanding of the time value of money, of our aversion to reading the fine print, of our childish need for instant gratification and most of all, our conflicted emotional connection to money,” Seth Godin
♥ What are the biggest mistakes you made when you started blogging?
♥ How to negotiate like a pro
♥ Magic beans (three steps to a successful marketing promise)
Have you read anything inspiring this week?