Photography Credit: Emilie Guelpa
We’re all gearing up for Christmas, but you know me, I’m always on the hunt for business related articles that I can learn from. I’m excited for Christmas, but almost more than that, I’m chomping at the bit to get into 2013 and to progress my business further! What about you?!
There’s been some good stuff online this week and I’m feeling SO inspired!
♥ Shauna asks, does blogging & self promotion make me vain?
♥ Confusing lucky with good
♥ One for wedding photographers – Jasmine talks though how she makes a same day slideshow
♥ Competition and being the ‘only’
♥ Free webinar – 10 things I wish I’d known about blogging when I started
♥ One sure-fire way to build a strong brand
So how’s your week been?