Photography Credit: Lendryggen
Welcome to another delicious instalment of Business Bites – ha!
How’s your December going so far? 2013 is not long off so I hope you’ve all been making your business plans and setting yourself some goals for the year ahead. It’s actually one of my favourite things to do (nerd!)
If you’ve been putting it all off or struggling with what to plan, I wrote an article on this very topic for this month’s Photo Professional Magazine (I have a monthly column dontyaknow?) If you don’t subscribe to this magazine and you’e a wedding photographer then shame on you! My article includes some great examples and some really practical advice about what you should be doing right now to ensure success in 2013. If I was you I’d pick up a copy today! You can order it online or buy it in all large WH Smiths’.
AND if that’s not enough to tempt you, Photo Professional are currently offering a whooping 52% off yearly subscriptions. Simply use the promo code PPSM when you order!
Now here’s some other links that I’ve been pouring over this week…
♥ How to be the perfect intern
♥ Bloggers deserve to be paid for their work (YES! There is nothing more frustrating than big companies just offering you ‘exposure’)
♥ How to get big names to know your name
♥ How to win the hearts of bloggers
♥ Design like Apple, but name like P&G
♥ Shauna shared her media kit insights and published some of the The Blogcademy media kit prettiness!
Have you seen any great business links this week and what plans have you got for your business in 2013?