Oh my goodness. We’re so EXCITED!
Yes, that’s right, The Blogcademy in London sold out in just 24 hours and we couldn’t be more thrilled! In fact we’re so over the moon that we’ve decided to add a second London date! Waaaaah!
What utter nut jobs…
The third Blogcademy class will take place on Wednesday 23rd & Thursday 24th January 2013, again at the Curtain Road Studios, Shoreditch. The same rules apply so if you’d like to join us hop to it. No excuses for missing out now guys – hurry hurry!
And don’t forget about our scholarship! We’re giving one place away (you can pick whichever date you’d prefer to attend) to the guy or gal who can dazzle us with their creativity. You can read more about The Blogcademy scholarship here.
BOOM! London you rock our world. Come on the UK, let’s BRING IT!