My Mum hates having her photo taken, so for Christmas last year I did what any loving daughter would and bought her a photo shoot with Lisa! Although I know she was grateful for the gesture I also know she was ridiculously nervous about the whole thing… which is probably why, after much persuasion and coercion from yours truly, they only just got around to booking it.
But photographs are important. Memories are important. And I wanted my parents to have some really great photographs and memories of the two of them as they are right now – happy, totally in love and really really great parents.
Yep prepare yourself, dear reader, this blog post is about to get a little bit gushy…
I love my parents with all my heart, and although I know my Mum really didn’t enjoy being in front of the camera (turns out my Dad on the other hand is a massive poser – he’s clearly who I get that from!) I really hope they can look at these photographs for years to come and realise how great they look and how in love they are – yep, even after 30 years of marriage!
I’m a bit rubbish at saying it sometimes, but I really do love you Mum & Dad. You are the best parents ever. Thank you both for everything you do for me and my sisters. Thank you for the constant support and love. I always know how proud you are of me and I really do appreciate it, it’s just hard to find those words sometimes.
I’d like to encourage you to go and tell your family that you love them. We all know we don’t say it enough so why not make that day today?
Happy Saturday!
Photography Credit: Devlin Photos