Seeing double? Photo nicked from Alexa Kent’s Instragram
On Friday Gareth & I packed up the car (again!) and drove down to Brighton (again!) for another School of Rock blogging workshop. The event was fabulous, my class were ace, and the whole thing left me with a warm n fuzzy feeling inside. As we drove away that night (slightly topped up with the celebratory after-workshop-wines – don’t worry Gareth was driving!) I turned to him and gushed away about how incredibly blessed I feel. Like, how is this my life? As someone who tentatively dipped her little toe into the blogosphere all those years ago, I can’t quite believe that people now line up to come and hear me speak about my journey. Like seriously… this is nutso. Even Darren Rowse of Problogger is singing my praises. Yeah no big deal or anything…
The ‘R’ keychains that the School of Rock students have taken home, made by the super fabulous Finest Imaginary
But anyway, today I just wanted to drop by and leave an almighty THANK YOU to everyone who’s attended a School of Rock workshop over the past year. I’m definitely still learning and improving each time I do them, especially with feeling more confident about the whole public speaking thing… and I owe that all to the wonderful people who’ve attended the events. You rock my world… lets hang out, make each other friendship bracelets and plait each other’s hair really soon.
A neon pink handbag – I wonder who’s that could be?!
I’ve had so many people tweet and email me over the past week or so asking when the next event is that I wanted to pull this blog post together to explain the plans (there’s only so much information you give in 140 characters!)
For the forseeable future the School of Rock is on hold (waaaaah!) No no don’t worry, we’re not cancelling them forever, but we’ve just got so much mental stuff going on over the next few months that they’re going to have to take a back seat for a while. Realistically I don’t think the next event will be any sooner than January. Right now I’m focusing my energy on preparing for The Blogcademy with Gala & Nubby and making plans on how to take it to the next level – and all over the world!
The first one is already sold out and I’m not sure if I’m really supposed to share this yet (so shhh!) but after we’re done in New York City, we plan to hop in our neon pink private jet and take it anywhere and everywhere that will have us. What could be more exciting that traveling the world with your friends and talking about your favourite subject ever?! I LITERALLY CAN’T THINK OF ANYTHING.
So where to next? Well we’re actually not quite sure yet, but if you’d like to influence us, please sign up to our mailing list and let us know what city you’re in (hint – if you’re in the UK pleeease sign up, I wanna get those girls over to London so BAD!)
OK I’m officially rambling far too much for a snoozy Sunday morning. Have a great rest of your weekend guys and I’ll see you soon. Must dash, I’m off to The Photography Farmers Retreat tomorrow – will report back soon!