Known for his groundbreaking bridal designs and never following the crowd, the amazing David Fielden chooses to forgo the industry pressure to launch his new collections at the London bridal industry show, favouring to do his own epic catwalk show in Milan.
Now I was invited to go to this… and am more than a little bit gutted that I physically can’t squeeze anymore international jaunts in right now, but HURRAH! my frown was turned upside down when they told me I’d be able to watch the show LIVE via their official facebook page… and, dear reader, SO CAN YOU!
My favourites from his 2012 collection, which I snapped when I visited his London studio recently. How can he possibly improve on these!?!
Be by your computer at 5.30pm (BST) today to be among the first to see David’s brand new collection. I am SO excited. See you there!