Well I couldn’t let today pass without a nod to those Daddy’s of ours could I? And as I’m a terrible daughter who didn’t so much as get her Dad a card (I know, I know…but I did give him a bottle of absinthe from Prague so I hope I’m forgiven) I thought today I’d use the blog to celebrate all Dad’s everywhere…
Me & my Dad on my wedding day (er… how young do I look!?) in 2008
I love my Dad because we have the same sense of humour, that he always has wine in the house and that he secretly reads my blog and keeps up to date with what I’m doing on facebook.
I love him because he doesn’t have to tell me he’s proud of me for me to know that he is, and that he secretly loves cats even though he pretends he doesn’t.
I love him because he sends me random texts about ‘hilarious’ things that happen to him while he’s out and about (my most recent favourite being “Got to airport. Went to the lounge. Drinking wine…on the phone. Watching screens. Did not hear any announcements. Suddenly my flight not on the screen. Oh dear. Cost me €600.”)
But most of all I love him because he loves me for all my idiosyncrasies too.
Happy Father’s Day Daddy.