This Week’s Love List…
♥ Seeing the first draft of issue 2 of Rock n Roll Bride Magazine. It looks SO GOOD! (Will be available to purchase really soon I promise!) ♥ Meeting Ian Stuart ♥ burritos and wine ♥ Showgirls (how have I never seen this movie before!?) ♥ Booking our flights and apartment in NYC!!! Gareth & I are off there in May and I can’t bloody wait ♥ getting back on the fast computer ♥ vintage purchases (I need another party to wear them at now please) ♥ hooking up with old friends ♥ Madonna on Graham Norton – I loved her! ♥ making plans for Vegas which I’m heading to in less than a month! ♥ The fact that not only and I going to WPPI, but that I get to go to this party! ♥
Best of the Rest…
This is how stupid my life is right now. Can someone please tell me how I got here and what planet I’m living on?
Last week I hung out at The Dorchester…at a party hosted by wedding planner Mark Niemierko…for Darcy Miller, editor of Martha Stewart magazine…oh and there were male models dressed as soldiers…not to mention the fact that I got to meet/chat to/be in the same room as to David Fielden, Charlotte Castigliano, Stephanie Allin, Sassi Holdford, Ritva Westenius, Suzanne Neville, Stewart Parvin, Phillipa Lepley, Elizabeth Emanuel, Bruce Oldfield and Johanna Heir.
Name dropping? Moi? In fact I have nothing else coherent to say about it really except…HOW THE EFF DID I GET INVITED?!
The Dorchester Penthouse. Bigger than my entire house (ps I just spied my reflection in the mirror – lol)
With my fellow wedding bloggers – Charlotte from Rock my Wedding, wedding planner Mark Niemierko, Alexis from OMG I’m Getting Married and Anna from Anna and the Ring.
UK Wedding bloggers with Darcy Miller, editor of Martha Stewart Magazine
Ridiculous (in a good way) pink roses supplied by Rob Van Helden.
Aahhh wedding dresses! The best of British – dresses by Sassi Holford, David Fielden and Stewart Parvin.
NOM! Cake by Peggy Porschen
I’m sorry. I’m shallow…but yes, they were one of the highlights of the evening…
Darcy Miller and Mark Niemierko
David Fielden. I’m not ashamed to admit I was totally starstuck to meet him. I’m a little bit in love with his dresses.
Oh hello…! (must remember I’m married, must remember I’m married, must remember I’m married…)
My favourite photo of the whole night. If you look really really hard you might just spot me.
Thank you to Mark and his team for putting on this amazing event. Jeez my job is so hard sometimes huh? You can see more photos from the party on Mark’s blog here as well as Charlotte, Alexis & Anna’s reports on their respective blogs here, here & here! We also got a mention on Martha Stewart’s blog.
Don’t forget about the video…I wasn’t interviewed but you can spy me in there a few times.
All Photography Credit: Jeremy Enness