This Week’s Love List…
♥ School of Rock – class #2 & making more lovely friends ♥ dirty KFC for tea (sometimes it just has to be done!) ♥ pushing myself ♥ feeling inspired ♥ finally starting some Christmas shopping ♥ treating myself to the SATC box set ♥ watching all of Season One of SATC in one sitting ♥ cheesy toasties & cup-a-soup (my cold weather lunchtime staple) ♥ getting started with issue 2 of Rock n Roll Bride magazine (woohooo!) ♥ Gareth finishing the kitchen (how ace is the wallpaper?) ♥ Gareth saying that a bright pink light fitting would really ‘make’ the kitchen (hello, awesome husband!) ♥ treating myself to THIS (I LOVE HIM) ♥ trying to convince Gareth that the pink reindeer head is a good idea… ♥ getting seriously excited by all the glitter in shops right now ♥ this pink blog post inspired by yours truly ♥ This custom made dress that landed on my doorstep! ♥ damnyouautocorrect ♥
The Best of the Rest…
I don’t often sneak peek weddings I have to feature on the blog (I save that for Twitter and Facebook teases). However recently I’ve been getting so many amazing weddings submitted that I can’t wait to get them out!
All these weddings will be hitting the blog over the coming weeks, but just for you dear reader, here’s a small selection to show you how pretty my inbox is looking right now.
Excited? I sure as hell am!
Oh and one of these weddings cost just £900! I know, my readers are amazing.
Photography Credits (in order of appearance): Natalie Larsson, MangoRed, Caro Hutchings Photography, The Rogue Magnolia, The Unreal Bride, Love Me Do Photography, Saulės Pieva Fotografija , Feather + Stone, Leila Brewster Photography, GASP Photography, Annamarie Stepney Photography