Photography Credit: Devlin Photos (Full wedding coming soon!)
Arguably the most important part of your wedding day, but one that is so often overlooked until the last minute of your planning, the ceremony is the area I wanted to add some advice to this week. Enjoy!
Emma Smyth If your bridesmaids are going to walk in first make sure they give each other a second before the next so the photographer can get a clear shot of each one! Then Brides.. give yourself time too! It’s your moment!
Louise Liddy I read about a ceremony where all the children from the ceremony walked down the aisle in front of the bride waving flags and bells. I love this idea! So cute and involved all the children!
Claire Jackson add something unique to your ceremony with celtic hand-fasting (where the term ‘tying the knot’ originates from), lighting a candle together or including the ‘warming of the rings’ so your friends and family can make a wish for you both
Tillie Mabbutt Zone everyone else out, it’s just you & your spouse…
@candysnaps Check with your celebrant what the rules are regarding photography during the ceremony! Had couples before who found out at rehearsal that photographer is not even allowed in the room! They were gutted!
@paul_inskip Hold hands! you are there together so hold hands & comfort, reassure & be nervous TOGETHER
@elizacphoto Say your vows to each other, and not to the registrar. Makes it so much more special.
Just a few things I’ve been thinking about this week…
Don’t get involved in idle bitching or internet squabbles. It sucks your time, your creative juices and your love of the job. Ignore people that cause drama for the sake of it or that annoy or upset you. Instead keep focused on what you’re doing.
This week I tuned into Gala’s free Radical Self Love livestream and this really stood out to me. She said “What other people think of you is none of your business.” She’s a clever lady isn’t she? This is so true.
Don’t take things personally…remember this is business and a lot of these people are not your friends.