Part two of today’s continental invasion comes from French photographer Davidone who sent over Pierre & Christine’s Circus themed wedding just last week. Christine is a famous illustrator and Pierre is a photographer himself, so needless to say their wedding was going to be super creative and beautiful captured.
Christine wore a Pronuptia dress while Pierre wore Vivienne Westwood. Their fun and quirky nature really does come though in all these images, especially the fun portrait session. As photographer David explained,
“… Alice in Wonderland ….this is the first feeling that came when I began to view images from the photo shoot of Christine and Pierre. A colourful session, with energy, humour, a touch of poetry … and above all a great morning of “laughter”. The shoot tool place on the morning of their wedding day, but Christine and Pierre were as motivated as ever. In a word, I would call this morning: TOP!”
Thanks to the lovely David and of course Christine & Pierre for sharing their wedding and photo shoot with us today.
The Gallery
Photography Credit: Davidone
Bride’s Dress: “Degas” by Pronuptia Paris
Bride’s Shoes: Annabel Winship for André
Bride’s Jewellery: Emmanuelle Biennassis
Groom’s Suit: Vivienne Westwood