Photography Credit: via all about photos via we heart it (if you know the original source of this image, please drop me an email & I’ll add it)
So Photography Friday is no more. I know some of you are still in mourning (be sure to follow me on twitter and facebook for regular and random personal pictures if you want ’em) but behold – a new feature! First off I’ve got to say thanks to everyone on twitter and facebook who helped me come up with the name for this post, I was struggling to be creative and couldn’t think of anything to call it apart from ‘Tip-day Friday’ and that was kinda rubbish…
Post-It Notes will be blogged every Friday and every week I’ll be posting two top tips – one related to wedding planning and one for business/blogging. The idea behind this being that I get hundreds of emails asking for my advice and magazines are always asking for my ‘top tips’ on different areas of wedding planning, so I thought hey, why not make a blog feature out of it? I have visions of some of you writing these out onto actual post-it notes and sticking them in your wedding planning book/inspiration folder or all around your office! That would be pretty cool.
Let me know what you think of my new feature in the comments – if you like the idea, I’ll keep it going.
Book your photographer early. A lot of the best photographers get booked out as far as a year in advance so this is one thing to not leave to the last minute and unlike some other wedding services, you usually won’t get a discount for a last minute booking.
Whatever your business, start a blog. Now. Stop putting it off and just do it…sometimes simply starting something is the hardest part.