We all know that DIY and crafty weddings are BIG right now, so for this week’s ‘The List’ guest post I asked blogger and wedding stylist London Bride to come up with some of her favourite ideas to make your wedding crafting just that little bit more Rock n Roll. You will love!
The DIY/Crafty List
Getting crafty can be fun, but a girl needs the right tools, right? Some staples that I think every diy bride might find more handy than her handiwork itself.
Bring back the excitement of receiving letters in snail mail format and send your save the dates out in traditional airmail envelopes or use them as place names with some pretty calligraphy and a little letter inside to each of your friends and family with a sweet story or memory.
♥ Airmail Envelopes from SCP
Price £14.99
You can find similar ones on Etsy
♥ Don’t sign your name, stamp it! Add that unique touch to invitations with this personalised postage stamp with your wedding date on. And what a lovely thing to keep for you and the Mr to use in the future when you write love letters to each other. Or anyone else.
Personalised Wedding Stamp from Ass Pocket Productions onEtsy
Price $15.00
♥ Sellotape just got sexy! The uses for Japanese washi or masking tape are as long as the tape itself. Be it patterned, transparent or bright and stripy, wrap around jam jars for unique looking vases, stick onto gift tags or favour bags to personalise or double up over thread to make cute bunting.
Japanese Tape from Papermash
Price £5.95
You can find similar ones at MT
♥ I have a couple of these in my kitchen and they are just so cute I couldn’t resist adding them. Cluster together or dot along tables and fill with single florals such as ranunculus or gerbera. Instant vintage farmer vibe. Add a doily underneath for extra loveliness.
Vintage Milk Bottles from Pedlars
Price £14.75
You can find similar ones on Ebay
♥ And here’s the tagline. Tags are good. They are cheap and cheerful and make anything look vintage, shabby and chic and are great for writing names and numbers on or tying to trinkets.
Vintage Travel Tags from Cox & Cox
Price £6
♥ This crate is much more than just an old box! Keep it rustic and use to serve bottled drinks from or paint it, stencil your initials onto the side and ask guests to fill with their wedding cards for you so they are all in one place! Then use it as a planter post wedding.
Vintage Crate from Mabel & Rose
Price £25.00
You can find similar ones at your local green grocer or food markets
♥ Brown paper packages tied up with string? Yes this is one of my favourite things, but not just any old string, it’s got to be bakers twine. The candy striped cotton is just the prettiest and most practical. I swear, get a roll of this and you’ll be tying it around everything. Even the curtains. Or the groom if he’s lucky.
Bakers Twine from Divine Twine
Price $15.00
You can find similar ones at Not On The Highstreet