I have a couple of bits of blog love to share with you. Firstly, myself and my gorgeous hubby Gareth were interviewed for Hot Pink Petticoat, go check it out if you fancy reading about life after the wedding! Also, after they featured our wedding in their last issue, I dropped the guys at Wedding Ideas magazine a little email to say thank you and gosh darn it, they only went and printed it!
Just wanted to drop you a line to say thanks for featuring our real wedding last month (Kat & Gareth). I picked up the magazine to flick through in the newsagents and was like ‘ooh that’s us!’ – it is very cool. Also I saw a letter from Verity in your letters page about her blog and I thought I would share mine too..it’s an alternative and kick-arse approach to weddings – rocknrollbride.com!
ps I can’t believe they actually printed the words kick-arse! hehe