Regular readers will know I’m all about the love of my photographer friend David who did my Boudoir shoot, our Engagement photos and my post-wedding Bridal shoot. We he’s given me some blog love today so thought I’d repay the favour – go check out his website, believe me it’s amazing!
Who are the readers who have enquired or booked him by finding him via Rock ‘n Roll Bride? I’d love to know – don’t be shy.
From his blog:
Busy Day
Gosh, what a busy day it has been! I spent all day finally getting to grips with my workflow shift over from my PC / Lightroom to MacBook Pro / Aperture, and think I have finally found a way that lets me create some great looking albums every time. It’s amazing how much the little quirks of each system can throw you! I’ll be designing Julie and Dan’s album tomorrow so I’ll let you know how I get on. I’ve also had three further enquiries today for weddings in 2009 which is great, so there’s more names to add to my wee spreadsheet (I have a spreadsheet for everything in my life!).
I think I’m quite a lucky photographer as all the couples I meet are all great fun and are having weddings I’m really looking forward to shooting. With that in mind I thought I’d let everybody know that in January 2009 my website will be revamped with the re-launch of my portrait site and a new pricing structure for my wedding packages.
To secure the 2008 package prices all you have to do is send an email enquiry before 31st December. Exciting additions to the new packages include a day-after shoot, and free-download guest galleries. If you have already booked me then Christmas is a great time to start thinking about your pre-wedding shoot.
I’ll be posting a blog next week to help you start thinking about what style and location is right for you. If you have any ideas I’m always eager to hear them at
Finally a big thank-you to Kat, whose blog and posts have thrown a few enquiries my way! Here she is with a lovely little hat:
Wanna see a few more of my photos he took? Go on then – what a lucky girl I am…
Fabulous yes?!
Boudoir Shoot/ Engagement Shoot/ Post-Wedding Bridal Shoot…