Its hard for me to pick only a few images from Dixie Pixel’s website..even just limiting myself to one wedding proved too difficult for words. I kept scrolling down the page and seeing more more more I love love love…and this is possibly the most photographs I’ve posted in one blog post! I usually try to limit myself to 5 or 6 images per post but sorry not today…
The photographer behind all this porn is Tara Kneiser. She emailed me to tell me how much she loved my blog (woot woot) and also to give me some extra info about her photographs. The last 3 (grainy) of these photos (flipping gorgeous!) was actually shot on film (big it up – so was our wedding). I love the grainy rawness of it all. They were taken with a Holga Camera, which retails for about $30.00 – how awesome is that!?
So in conclusion…Tara, Rock and Roll Bride salutes you – bloody marvelous! Now can we see some photographs of your own tattooed wedding now..pretty pleeeeese?
The Gallery
All photo credit goes to Tara Kneiser
Now please excuse me while I go back here and check out every single photograph!