Photography Credit: Angélica Vis’
One of the most effective ways to keep your wedding theme strong throughout your day, is to invest time in to the table decorations and to ignore traditional flower arrangements for something more interesting. So if you haven’t got time to completely dress your venue, then just a few simple personal touches on the tables will really bring out a theme. Here are some of my all time favourite past ideas:
Millet & Hendrick’s Hand Picked, DIY Wedding
Sean & Carrie’s Cute ‘n Colourful Blog-Inspired Wedding
Josephine & Radney’s Eclectic, Vintage & DIY Wedding
A Steam Punk Anniversary
A Kitschy, Quirky, Vintage Wedding
Laura & Paul’s Vintage, Mismatched, Rock n Roll Bride-Inspired Wedding
The Colour Purple
“I Can Make That!” – Roni & Dave’s Awesome, Diy, Homespun Cute-Fest Wedding
Elbie & Derek’s Opulent & Eclectic DIY Wedding
This post by Lucy Ledger really got me thinking this week and so I basically wanted to recapitulate what she had to say here. Social media is an incredible way for networking and promoting your business, but it can have it’s drawbacks for how it makes you feel.
Do you ever feel bad about yourself after hanging around on twitter or facebook for too long? Do you ever read how ‘well’ everyone else is doing and feel bad about yourself and the way your business is progressing? Or have you ever experienced the ‘internet trolls’ (oh I have!) who feel it’s perfectly acceptable to publicly slate you (directly or indirectly) via social networks? Both of these scenarios can make you feel terrible about yourself and so if youre having a ‘sad sack’ day be sure to turn off the social media and ignore these kinds of people. Focus on YOU and what you’re doing and not the competition.
…Or maybe just put some blue lipstick on and dance around to ‘Anarchy in the UK.’ That will make you feel better too, I promise…