Confession: I have been looking forward to Britt & Mike’s wedding for like, a year. Britt runs the awesome blog Bowie Bride where she’s been sharing with us their “oh so pec-u-liar” journey to the alter in her own, totally kick ass, anti-wedding industry and super colourful, DIY-mad way.
I first ‘met’ Britt about a year ago when she entered a contest on my site. She actually won, and since then I’ve not only been slightly obsessed with her blog but I’ve been slightly obsessed with her. In a girl-crush kinda way! We actually probably talk everyday, how mad is that?! We have a mutual love of Maine Coons though so we always have something to talk about even if it is just exchanging photographs of our respective pets on Facebook.
Anyway, I digress. Britt & Mike got married in LA last month. They DIY-ed the whole thing and spent only $12,000 to do it. I am SO FLIPPING EXCITED that I get to be the blog to share it. I literally can not wait!
Until then, check out their awesome engagement sesh. that they did the day before the wedding. Erm, how gorgeous are these two?
By the way, I’m totally going to make it over to LA next year just so I can hug this girl and scream “Maiiiine Coooooons!” in her ear.
Thanks to photographer Nicole and Britt & Mike for sharing their engagements. Watch this space for their wedding pictures and full report as soon as I get them!
The Gallery
Credit: Nicole Polk Photography