After posting Dana (of The Broke Ass Bride fame) & Hunter’s awesome ‘Fresh Hubby of LA’ wedding video I thought I was done. I saw their phenomenal
photographs by Dan of Chennergy (who shot their wedding for free!) but decided to not share them straight away as I assumed photography as fantastic as this would pop up on all the wedding blogs. However it seems that maybe everybody else had the same idea as me, and while I’ve seen their video everywhere I look their photographs seem to have fallen to the wayside maybe just a little bit. That, my friends, is a travesty of utmost proportions. These must be seen and adored. Enjoy and be sure to check out Dana’s blog for all the juicy details.
ps fancy your chances of winning some free photography too? Well be sure to trot on over and enter the fabulous Rock n Roll Bride/Tinywater Photography contest already!
The Gallery
Credit: Chennergy curtosy of The Broke Ass Bride